
In 1997, I graduated the University of History in Paris, being teacher for 5 years in France and in Romania. From the beginning, history was part of my photographic process. My first photographic documentaries were produced like historical researches, combining interviews, literature, documents and pictures. After dozens of exhibitions and photographic projects, I’m beginning now a new adventure: becoming a documentary filmmaker for Zadig Productions. My first film is inspired by one of my photographic exhibitions presented in Romania in 2007. My documentary film should be presented on French and German TV in 2013.

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Bucarest, ma ville

Andrei Pandele is a Romanian photographer and member of EST&OST since 2004. Living in Romania from 1999 to 2004, I discovered the powerful of his photography and the importance of his testimony for the next generations. Andrei Pandele managed to catch in his pictures the essence of the "Golden Age" of Ceausescu...

This slideshow movie is the result of our collaboration to show his personal photographic work out of the borders of Romania. His pictures have been presented in Arles, Paris, and Marseille. For the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin’s wall, Visa pour l’Image, the International Photo festival of Photojournalism has presented a special screening of his pictures in 2009 in Perpignan.

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